Support Black Owned Businesses and Support Justice!

Support Black Owned Businesses and Support Justice!

Breonna Taylor. George Floyd. Ahmoud Arbery. Say their names. The list goes on. The question is — when will the list end? Will it end? How can we stop the violence targeted at the Black community?

Unless you have been living under a rock, you are well aware that black people are being murdered on what seems to be a daily basis. Most of the world is ready for that to stop. How can we work together to make sure that all Black Lives do Matter? For starters, VOTE. But, that's a one time thing that occurs every couple of years. What can you do regularly to show support to the black community? Whether you are going to join a march, a protest, or just a walk down to the grocery store — now is the time to invest in the Black community and show support.

Support Black Owned Businesses

This does not mean you cannot support white businesses, and businesses run by people of different ethnicities. But, if the Black Lives Matter movement is hitting home for you, do what you can do support black entrepreneurs. 

When the CEO of Wells Fargo, Charles Scharf, can make the claim that "while it might sound like an excuse, the unfortunate reality is that there is a very limited pool of Black talent to recruit from," that shows that talented black people are still not being recognized.  

Show him, and others, that there is a deep pool of Black talent in every industry. One way you can do this is support Black entrepreneurs, so their businesses flourish. Successful Black owned businesses will go a long way towards proving that the talent exists. 

Have the Conversation

While we have not necessarily seen tangible progress in the Black Lives Matter movement, more people are talking about it than ever before. While posting on social media is nice, you should continue to have these conversations in your communities, no matter what your skin color or ethnicity is.

When you find an amazing Black owned business that you support, share that. Even if you are not someone who typically bothers leaving reviews, leave a review. Share that 5-star review on every social media account you have. 

What Lex Pyerse is Doing

At Lex Pyerse, there are black culture clothing that celebrate Black pride. Purchasing from Lex Pyerse not only is supporting a Black owned business, but your products are showing pride in the Black community. Wear these shirts with pride, and buy them as gifts. The more we can spread the word and send a positive message about the Black community, the better.

You can also create your own message by mixing and matching designs, making this a great time to express yourself. If you are planning on going to a rally, or going to a place with a lot of publicity, take this as an opportunity to spread your message, and work to improve the lives of the Black Lives Matter community. Supporting Lex Pyerse is supporting the Black community in many different ways. You are financially supporting a Black owner, but you are also helping spread the message that there is Black talent, and that Black Lives do Matter. You can support Lex Pyerse, and other companies like it, whether you are black, brown, white, or any other color on the rainbow. 

Take Action

Whether by voting, spreading a positive message, or supporting a Black owned business, now is the time to take action and show support for the Black community, so we can begin stopping these senseless murders. Let's work to bring the world to a better place, and you can start off slow just by supporting a Black owned business.


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1 comment

Man, you are so right! Thank you for sharing this essential information and for making people more aware. I completely agree! Great post!


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International Collection

Lex Pyerse has the best collection of tees, hats, and hoodies inspired by Nigeria, Mozambique, Ghana and other countries from the African diaspora. You can show your national pride while celebrating Pro-Black, Pan-African, and Black Pride and your personal uniqueness.  Each affirmation is inspired by the meanings of the colors of each nation's flag. Also, search Lex Pyerse for more clothing.