REACTION | The History of Ghana in 10 Minutes | Lex Pyerse Clothing

REACTION | The History of Ghana in 10 Minutes | Lex Pyerse Clothing


So in this video we're doing a review on the history of Ghana.  I've learned so much about the Ghanian history. For example, I learned that the modern Republic of Ghana was named after the medieval West African Ghana Empire. The reason the people named modern Ghana from the medieval empire is because they wanted to distance themselves from the colonial ruler, England. I'll learn that even Timbuktu was part of the Ghana Empire. The Empire would later be dissolved into the Mali Empire.  

The video continues with a look into Ghana under colonial rule and how it shaped the slave trades.  They traded slaves for weapons gaining local power. Trade was done with the Dutch, English, and Portuguese to name a few.  

The video also talks about how Ghana would become independent of colonial rule and how it's trying to connect with the rest of the African diaspora.

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